

You are joining a great bunch of folks in Troop 680 and over one million other boys across the country in the adventure of Scouting. We've got a good Troop and it will be even better with you as a member. To learn more about T680, check out our videos to the right.

We're glad you're here!

How Boy Scouting Differs from Cub Scouting

Boy Scouting differs from Cub Scouting. Some of these differences are worth noting right up front.

For Scouts...

For Parents...

A Special Note for Parents

Your personal interest in your son's involvement with Scouting directly affects his success. You should take an active interest in his Scouting experience. You can do this in a number of ways:

Troop 680.mp4

Troop 680 Introduction

(If the video does not start, click the pop-out icon in the upper right)

High Adventure 2020.mp4

Troop 680 High Adventure Camp Compilation

(If the video does not start, click the pop-out icon in the upper right)