You are joining a great bunch of folks in Troop 680 and over one million other boys across the country in the adventure of Scouting. We've got a good Troop and it will be even better with you as a member. To learn more about T680, check out our videos to the right.
We're glad you're here!
How Boy Scouting Differs from Cub Scouting
Boy Scouting differs from Cub Scouting. Some of these differences are worth noting right up front.
For Scouts...
Unlike a Cub Scout den and pack, Boy Scout Troops are boy-led organizations. You and your fellow Scouts drive the decisions about Troop leadership, Troop activities and Troop outings.
You earn the Scout patch by completing the joining requirements. You then may progress through the ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and Eagle.
Advancement responsibility belongs to you. While your parents, older Scouts and, adult Troop leaders may help you along the way, you are responsible for knowing which skills you need to earn your next rank or merit badge, making the personal effort to learn those skills, and letting the Scoutmaster (SM) know when you are ready to demonstrate those skills.
You must complete a Position of Responsibility requirement for each of the ranks of Star, Life and Eagle. Appendix B contains Position of Responsibility agreements outlining duties and requirements.
Only adult Troop leaders registered with the BSA approve your rank advancement and merit badge accomplishments. Scouts designated by the Scoutmaster (SM) and the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) may sign off requirements through First Class. The SM or designated Assistant Scoutmasters approve all rank advancements.
For Parents...
Parents' direct involvement includes:
Volunteering through the Troop Committee. The Committee Chair knows the Troop's needs. Being personally involved shows your son how important his Scouting experience is to you, and goes a long way towards sustaining his long-term participation in Scouting.
Supporting Troop meetings through the Troop Committee, e.g., as merit badge counselors, as Board of Review members, and as required by the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.
Helping on camping trips. This includes providing proper supervision and transportation to and from the outing. Scouts camp in their patrol campsites. Adults camp in a separate site with direct view of the Scout's area.
Parents who wish to become actively involved with the Troop should contact the Troop Committee Chair. The Chair has the paperwork necessary to register and information about potential opportunities to help through the Troop Committee and as an adult Scouter. Parents should also be aware of training requirements/certifications needed to work with the Troop (see below). These apply whether you are a uniformed leader or periodic volunteer with the Troop.
Parents should spend time working on the Troop Committee before becoming directly involved with the boys as a Troop leader. This gives the adult time to learn how the Troop and the Troop Committee work together to provide a quality program.
We encourage adults to help as Merit Badge Counselors, Committee Members, Patrol Advisors or Assistant Scoutmasters.
A Special Note for Parents
Your personal interest in your son's involvement with Scouting directly affects his success. You should take an active interest in his Scouting experience. You can do this in a number of ways:
Look through your son's Scout Handbook when he comes home after every troop meeting and have him tell you about his progress on rank requirements. Check the record keeping section at the end of the The Boy Scout Handbook.
Work with your son on his knot tying, map and compass, first aid, and the other skills.
Attend every Court of Honor. The Court of Honor is the official ceremony when a scout formally receives recognition for rank advancement; merit badge patches/blue cards and other honors or awards. This ceremony formally recognizes and reinforces our Scouts' efforts and accomplishments. Every Scout is expected to attend (even if they are not receiving an award at that ceremony) to cheer their fellow Scouts' achievements. Having the whole family there for the honors makes it extra special. The bigger the audience the better!
Parents play an important role in their son's activities. We recommend you sit down, discuss, and prioritize what is important to him at least semi-annually.
Use the school calendar, sports calendar, the Troop Guidelines, Troop calendar, and emails on troop activities to establish your role in each of them.
Realize that Scout's participation in outdoor activities is a must for advancement.
Summer Camp is a particularly important annual event and goes a long way towards ensuring the Scouts earn Merit Badges and maintain forward momentum on advancement. Historically the Troop has attended camps in PA and VA, usually around the end of June. If financial issues are a concern, see the Committee Chair or Scoutmaster as the Troop normally has the resources to assist Scouts with scholarships.

Troop 680 Introduction
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Troop 680 High Adventure Camp Compilation
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