Adult Leader Training
Adult Leader Training
All adults working with Scouts require appropriate BSA Youth Protection Trainig (YPT) and position specific training. NCAC Leadership Training provides an overview.
Troop 680's chartering organization (FACS) is not affiliated with the Arlington Diocese and does not require adult leaders to take the Catholic Church / Diocesan youth protection training (Virtus) or sign the Code of Conduct for Personnel and Volunteers in the Diocese of Arlington. FACS and the BSA Units it charters rely exclusively on the policies and training requirements of the BSA . That said, because many parents of Scouts who belong to Troop and Pack 680 volunteer at Catholic Schools and/or Parishes within the Arlington Diocese and are required to take the Virtus training and sign the Code of Conduct in that capacity, Troop 680 and FACS are happy to receive copies of the Virtus training certificates and or Codes of Conduct parent volunteers have received or signed in this regard. Troop 680 and FACS also strongly encourages parent volunteers to complete the Virtus training. However, none of the Diocesan trainings is a substitute for the BSA required training. For information on Virtus training see
Required training for Merit Badge Counselors
Merit Badge Counselor Training (available in-person and on-line)
Required training for Committee Members
Required training for Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters and Patrol Advisors
Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Position Specific Training (available in-person and on-line)
Recommended: Wood Badge for the 21st Century is the core leadership skills training course for the BSA; this course focuses on strengthening every volunteer's ability to work with and lead groups of youth and adults and is less focused on outdoor skills, which are more effectively addressed in other courses. For details, Youth Protection Training
The Troop presents a session for new Scouts and Parents annually on the Saturday after Pack 680 bridges their Webelos Scouts. That information is collected in the power point presentation stored on the Troop 680 web site at TBD